My Morning Routine During a Global Pandemic by Registered Dietitian, Nicole Osinga


Meet Nicole Osinga, registered dietitian, with the College of Dietitians of Ontario, holding a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Human Nutrition. Nicole aims to promote the pleasure and enjoyment of eating through her work. She highlights mindful eating concepts with clients and focuses on intuitive eating patterns. This month she discusses with us, how her morning routine sets her up for the day ahead and how nuts and dried fruits are a part of the mix.

This Global Pandemic has had widespread and devastating effects on many of us. During this time, it is extra important to look after our health and well-being, be that mental and physical. Stay tuned to learn about how my current morning routine helps to set me up for mental and physical success, and see how dried fruits and nuts are an essential part of this routine!

Start with Coffee & Gratitude Journaling

Yes there has been some interruption in my work schedule and yes I am stressed about the possibility of our October wedding being postponed. However, I have to remind myself everything that I am grateful for. It’s not easy to remember the things that I do have, which is why I have been adopting the habit of gratitude journaling in the morning each day.

I am grateful for my health, that my family is safe, for shelter and access to good food.  I’m grateful to have a supportive partner and to be in a place of financial stability. Sure, grieving the loss some work and wedding activities is to be expected, but it doesn’t have to overshadow the good in life.

Next, Participate in Some Kind of Movement 

I do have a (mostly) desk job, so my body needs a good dose of movement at the beginning of the day. In the morning is my favourite time to get the endorphins going, which keeps my mood boosted all day.

I usually mix my physical activity up between running and yoga. I am a competitive runner, but I won’t run every day as this would risk injury and neglect other types of exercise that are just as important. I depend on yoga to give me a good deep stretch along with some strength building.

During my runs, I am usually listening to a podcast. My podcast picks range from travel-related to business-related to reality TV-related. It all depends on my mood!

For those of you who can’t go outside to exercise at the moment, great exercise alternatives include YouTube Videos, and fitness classes displayed on other online platforms such as Instagram (everyone is doing Instagram Lives now!)

Last (but not least!) Refuel With an Energizing and Filling Breakfast With Nuts and Dried Fruits 

After my mental and physical exercise, I need to refuel and get myself nourished for the day. As much as I love oatmeal, a bowl of plain oats will not keep me full until lunch.

Therefore, I always add nuts and dried fruit to my oats for power! This will better satiate me and help me face the challenges that the day throws at me. We’ve learned that this year is full of challenges so far! The nuts and seeds also add a number of nutrients that are important for immunity, including vitamin C, zinc and protein!

To see more about Nicole Osinga check out her Instagram nicoleosinga_rd.

My Morning Routine During a Global Pandemic by Registered Dietitian, Nicole Osinga



Tips to Include Nuts and Dried Fruits Into Your Diet

Have you ever heard the expression you are what you eat? Well, in some sense, it’s true. Nutrients from the foods we eat provide the foundation of function and wholeness of all the cells in our body, which is why it is important that we try to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.

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